The Game Show Article

The Game Show: exhibition as an experience of collectivity, consonance and becoming.

The Game Show: exposição como experiência de coletividade, consonância e devir.


Very happy to announce that the article about The Game Show is online. Soon there will be a translation to English (we are working on it). Photos on the article by Franz Pascher and Marcia Vaitsman.

Case study of The Game Show, produced by the artists collective ABC No Rio (in Exile), New York, 2018: experience of collectivity, negotiation of meanings and methods, and becoming. Collaboration between artists to transform the gallery of Bullet Spaceinto a game to be played by the public. Published on ConvocArte #6: Are Ludens, Lisbon, 2019

Estudo de The Game Show, realizado pelo coletivo ABC No Rio (in Exile), Nova York, 2018: experiência de coletividade, negociação de significados e métodos, e de devir, a partir da colaboração de artistas para a criação de uma exposição de arte que transformou a galeria do Bullet Space em um jogo ativado pelo público. Publicada na ConvocArte #6: Ars Ludens, Lisboa, 2019. [POR, and soon also in ENG]

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